Thursday, September 2, 2010

Scientific Process Applied

In the Monty Python video clip shown below there are some very interesting interpretations of the scientific method. Watch the clip (quite entertaining!) and then think (and comment) about...
1. How is the scientific method demonstrated here?
2. How did the scientific method in the end allow for a bogus conclusion?
3. How is the scientific method used incorrectly?
4. Are there any aspects of the scientific method that are used correctly? Explain.


  1. This relates to the scitific method in any ways. First off they bring the witch to the lead and say shes a witch. Then he asks questoins like how is she a witch? or what makes her a witch? Then he posses a hypothesis based of the reasearch he got from the towns people. "If she weighs the same as a duck then she is a witch. They preform the experiment. But the thing what they did wrong was the didnt repeat the experiment, or do a controll with a "regular person" In the end they came to the "Bugus" conclution. It was bugus because they didnt have a controlled viriable. So they got the wrong conclution. But they did have the beggining parts right? Why wouldnt they test a normal human first?
    -Justin G

  2. This has to do with scientific method, they come up with and idea that she is a witch then they put their idea to the test by doing an experiment, by weighing the person to see if she was a witch.The conclusion was bogus because they had weighed a person and found out that she had weighed more than a duck, which if they were smart they would realize that everyone weighs more than a duck. Which is why they got the wrong conclusion. Jimmy B.

  3. This clip shows the scientific process in good ways and bad. First the town folk correctly proposed a problem but they didn't research at all so the town folk didn't have any good evidence at all that the woman is a witch. Next the knight correctly helped the town research to see if she was a witch then tested her on a scale but the result was ridiculous but, those steps were done right. The thing I don't get is that why do they think the woman is made out wood when she can't float like duck. What went wrong here is that they did not have a peer review to see if their claim was indeed correct. The process allowed for a bugus end because their process done was right but claims wrong. Their making a mistake by burning her.
    George N.

  4. The scientific process is used here when the towns people come up with a problem. They think the women is a witch. They make a hypothesis that shes a witch if she weighs the same as a duck. They weigh her and make a conclusion that she is a witch. They used to scientific process incorrectly because they didnt do any research to find their hypothesis. they did the scientific process right because they tested their hypothesis after it was made.

    Jill G.

  5. In the Monty Python video, the scientific processed was used but not everything was correct. The town had a problem (thinking the woman was a witch) which was fine. They then make a hypothesis thatshe weights the same as a duck Since she does, they conclude shes a witch. *which is where the scientific process was used incorectly. They didnt do reasearch on their hypothesis or peer review or analyze.They did however test their hypothesis after it was made which worked out in the end for them.

    Sarah C
