Thursday, September 16, 2010

Conversions, conversions, conversions...

I think it's safe to say that we are all fully aware that the number of technology tools available to us are increasing faster than we can keep track of. The amount of information available to us in a matter of seconds allows us to get answers to virtually any question that we have, regardless of the subject area. Many have made the argument against needing to memorize stuff in school or learn certain topics. Some make this argument when it comes to converting units and may say, "Why do I need to know how many feet are in a meter? I can just look it up online!" The statement itself is very true - there are many websites and probably apps out there that will allow you to do unit conversions without any need for pen and paper. That being said, what do you think? Why did we spend so much time learning about conversions in class? Is it worth knowing how the math works? When would you need to possibly do unit conversions?  Why do you think I thought it was so important for you to understand the unit conversion process?


  1. It matters because, what if we didnt have the app at the time. Or if we had no internet and we need to make a convertion in the nick of time. Its just like caculators in math. Although math is easier with a calculator it is good to know how to problem is done on paper. What is your opinion on how you teach kids. Do you think its good that we have gone a little didgital since the 80s, and 90's. Or would you rather have it like it used to be?
    -Justin G.

  2. Conversions are very important. You use them for almost everything. Some examples are tile measurements, building electronic devices, math problems etc. If we didn't use conversions how would we measure things? So all in all conversions are really important. They won't ever go away.

    George N.

  3. In life u will always do conversions expecially when you are a builder or an arcitech. If we didnt use conversions we wouldn't know the unit prices of everything on earth. Thats why conversions are important.

    Kevin B

  4. It's always good to memorize the conversions because it would take a shorter time to just memorize it rather then take the time to look up online or an app to make a conversion. you would need to know how to do conversions when your driving and you need to figure out how long it will take you to get somewhere by the rate your going at. i think you thought it was so important so we will always know how to convert things so we wont have to take the time to look them up.

    Jill G

  5. I think we continually practiced conversions because its crucial in how we live life today. Everyone is always out and about and doing something. We may not realize it but we convert alot of things that make our life easier. For example making something as simple as a lemonade, and you only have TBS and you need to convert, with so much practice we've done in school we would be able to figure out any converions that need to be made. For our jobs in the future, we will need to know how to convert things . Memorizing the conversions will reduce the amount of time it would take to get the problem done. Therefore it's always good to memorize the conversions.

    Sarah C.
