Criteria for Commenting/Grading Information

Prior to making your first comment make sure that you follow the guidelines contained within the Web Etiquette Contract and take a look at the guidelines listed below for grading. 

Each comment/post that is made will earn a score of 1-5 points.  ***Don't forget to include your first name and last initial when you post a comment or it will be deleted and you won't get credit!!!***

Over the course of the semester you will have an opportunity to earn up to 85 points in comments. Sixty of those points will come from unit comments and twenty-five of the points will come from comments on Physics in the News weekly posts.

Unit Comments: Each unit you will have the chance to earn 10 points (we have 6 units). Those ten points can only be earned between the start of the unit and test date. You can earn those points by making two 5 point posts. If you do not earn all 10 points in two posts you have the opportunity to post again. If I feel that you are not contributing to the discussion adequately (by posting many posts that are only worth 1-2points) I will speak with you and then you will no longer earn points until posts are improved. Comments worth 1-2 points are okay every so often but should not be the majority of the posts.

Physics in the News Comments: Physics in the News is presented every Friday and will be posted on the class website after it is presented. You will be expected to comment on at least FIVE of the posts that are made. You can comment on a post from your class or another class. You can earn up to 25 points with these comments. Same rules apply as with the unit comments (too many 1-2 point comments will be addressed by myself).

Here is how you can earn points and how I will grade your posts:

  • 4-5 points - Giving a thought provoking response to a post and asking a why, how, explain question OR bringing up new and relevant information including a link to that option OR responding to a question by providing reasoning and evidence for your response along with a link to that evidence.
  • 3 points - Posing a thought-provoking question(s) that requires an in depth/thought out response (why, how, explain) OR an in depth explanation or response to a thought-provoking question that provides reasoning and evidence for your response
  • 1-2 point - Posing a question that requires a yes/no answer (what, when, where) OR making a claim will earn you a score of 1-2 points
  • 0 points - A simple statement of "I agree," "I disagree," "That's cool," or something of the like will earn you no points - in order to earn points you need to expand on what has been stated. **Also swearing or using abusive language in a post will earn you zero points and consequences as laid out in the syllabus.