Monday, October 4, 2010

Motion Unit Word Wall

Below is what is called a "word wall." Now that we are almost done with the motion unit I would like you to look through the word wall and answer the questions below it. 

1. What do you think is the significance of the size of the words?
2. How do all of these terms connect and relate to each other?
3. What did you learn about these terms?

Build off of each other's comments. I don't want to see 15 of the exact same comment, expand on what another person says or ask another question.


  1. 1- I Think that the significance of the word size is huge (or eles you wouldnt make them like that) In the motion unite we learned how to solve speed and acceleration, we learned how to do a distance graph in the Car Lab and We learned how to do solve time recently. They size of the words to what I think is that The bigger words is what we learned and the smaller words relate to those words.2- The Terms relate to each other for many reasons. A good reason and obvouis reason is that they all have to do with motion. The Bigger Words are the topics and then all the small words relate to big Words. 3- As I explained in 1, we learned how to solve problems and graph in a physical sense. But in a mental sense we learned how motion works and how to solve it in speed accleration starting times etc... But are there any ways to solve motion that we didnt learn? If you can solve motion and speed then can you make a math problem for almost anything?
    -Justin G

  2. The significance of each word has something to do with what we had learned in class, the Bigger words are the words that we have gone over and the smaller words are the words that we have yet to learn. The words relate to each other with the simple meaning how they all relate to motion, they also balance off each other to find motion. I learned that we have to know what all these terms mean and how they are used in motion. Jimmy B

  3. The significance of the words are that some are bigger and some are smaller because of their importance in motion. These terms connect and relate because their used all the time in phsyics. Finally, I learned each of the terms play important roles in what we learned about in motion. P.S. I didn't know how this stuff worked until Mrs. S showed me. This is pretty fun once you get the hang of it!
    George N.

  4. i think that some words are bigger and some are smaller because all the little words have some meaning in the words that are big. All of the terms relate because to find acceleration and speed you need to use equations,and you need to know things like gravity and the speed something falls.i learned that all these terms can help me understand physics better.

    Jill G.

  5. i believe that the all the words have a specific meaning, like they are not ass important. The big words mean that they are more important like speed and acceleration. All of the terms are related because they are all no matter what in an equation. I learned that all of the words teach me about ecah other word.

    Kevin B
