Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pitching a Fastball

In my web searching, I came across the article that I have linked to below. Read through the article and then read the rest of the blog.

Surprising information isn't it?! There are a few things in the article I want to discuss. First of all, why can't people throw much faster than 100mph? What impact does throwing extreme fastballs have on the body? How does faster pitching impact batting? Do you think the attempts to be the fastest pitcher in baseball are really worth it? Do the benefits and fame outweigh the consequences on the body? And of course, how does this article relate to our motion unit? Post your comments in the comment area and make this a discussion.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Motion Unit Word Wall

Below is what is called a "word wall." Now that we are almost done with the motion unit I would like you to look through the word wall and answer the questions below it. 

1. What do you think is the significance of the size of the words?
2. How do all of these terms connect and relate to each other?
3. What did you learn about these terms?

Build off of each other's comments. I don't want to see 15 of the exact same comment, expand on what another person says or ask another question.