Saturday, August 21, 2010

Welcome to Mrs. Statema's class!

Hi all! Welcome to Mrs. Statema's EMP class. I am looking forward to learning with all of you this year and think that this blog with be a great way for us to communicate outside of class.

Here is a little bit of information about me. I grew up in Park Ridge and graduated from Maine South. I went to Hope College in Holland, Michigan and graduated with a degree in Physics Education. This is my fourth year teaching Physics at Maine South and I love my job. My husband and I live in the city and love trying new restaurants. When I have free time I enjoy making jewelry, reading, scrapbooking, watching movies and spending time with friends and family - unfortunately between teaching and graduate school free time is few and far between. I am currently working on my masters in Science Education, so I have not forgotten what it is like to be a student. :-) I am also the Science Olympiad coach and sponsor for the Space Exploration Program.

Your first commenting assignment is to leave a comment at the bottom of this post that shares some information about yourself (interests, talents, activities/sports involved in, jobs, family, etc), this way we can all learn about each other throughout the class. Also please include what about physics interests you the most. (If you aren't sure what physics is check out the "glog" on the home page of this blog). THIS COMMENT IS DUE BY MONDAY.

**Quick note: make sure you only use your first name and last initial (same goes for people listed in posts)**
**To leave a comment click on "comments" at the bottom of the post**


  1. Dear Ms. S my name is Jill and i ice skate. Ive ice skated for seven years. Other things i like to do are bake and draw. The most thing im interested in for physics is flight.

    - Jill G.

  2. Mrs.S,
    My name is Sarah and I like alot of sports, in fact this year I started more. I like going to downtown chicago and going to all the restaurants and going to all the stores. I have 5 people in my family. My brother and i are the closest in age (a year apart). I have a dog. My dad is in the army so sometimes hes not home for a while. I love listening to music. I like all music not just hip hop and rap. I like learing about how velocity and gravity works. Also Newtons laws and such.
    - Sarah C.

  3. Mrs S.
    My name is Aaron. I like playing instruments. I play 4 differnt instruments but my favorite would be the drums. Ive been playing for at leat 8 years now. I want to learn about gravity in Physics.
    -Aaron F.

  4. Dear Ms. S,
    My name is Robert. I play hockey at either Maine or Express. I starting skating on ice when I was about 3 years old. I have an older brother in college who also plays hockey. Both my parents are doctors, my dad works with internal medicine (i think) and i forgot what kind of doctor my mom is.
    - Robert G.

  5. Dear Ms. S
    My name is Kevin B. I play lacrosse on the Maine South team, I started playing last year and i have loved it ever since. My mom is a nurse at Childrens memorial hospital, and my dad works at Canon. I dont have any paid jobs but i volunteer at Toughy Anumal Hospital and im going to volunteer at Have Dreams.
    -Kevin B

  6. Dear Ms. S
    I'm Nick A i play baseball, football, basketball, and I box. My dad is a cop and my mom is a nurse. I have a sister and a brother, 2 dogs and a fish.

    Nick A

  7. Dear Ms.S I'm Jimmy B, I like to watch football and Hockey. On the weekends I enjoy sitting back and Relaxing. I have an older brother, a younger sister and and a Dog named Scooter. My parents both work in hospitals,I really like to learn much more about physics. Jimmy B

  8. Dear ms.s imJordan i like to play football and wrestle, I also like to fish and listen to metal, and hang with friends. I hope to have a fun year and learn alot in physics.

  9. Dear Ms. S
    My name is jeff and i like to be crazy. i also like to play sports, go sailing and my favorite color is green. i am looking forward to having a good time in physics this year.

    Jeff D.

  10. Dear Mrs. S
    My name is Justin and I like playing sports and music. I play football baseball and basketball here at Maine South. I really enjoy playing baseball and play on anther baseball team called the Niles Braves in the Summer. Other then playing sports I love music. I have been playing piano for 9 years and can read almost any sheet music. My dad is a gym teacher and Varsity baseball coach at Niles West HighSchool, they are in Maine South's conference so I will have to play my dads team for three years (that will be interesting). My mom is a realitor. I also have 2 little brothers one is in 6th grade and the other is in 8th who both go to Emerson. Were you into any sports in Highschool?

    -Justin G

  11. my name is Marko,i like to watch sports and tv in my free time. I have a younger brother that goes to Field school, we went to six flags over the summer and went on all the rides. also, I like learning about science and history.

  12. Dear ms. Stateman,
    I'm Kristina K. I love to sing and play soccer, my dad is a policeman, my mom is a make up artist, and my brother is a senior in high school.
